
Do we have a population problem?

  One of the prevailing theories about how climate change has gotten as bad as it is, is because of overpopulation. It is true that this is the highest population that the earth has ever seen and that the population is growing at a faster rate than ever. However, the problem is more about distribution than overpopulation.  Our planet has the resources to support our current population, and then some. The problem is that some of the methods to get these resources are very harmful to the environment. For example, our “ farming” methods deplete the earth of nutrients and cause chemicals to leach into the earth and atmosphere. What if instead of chemically synthesized nitrogen-based fertilizer, we used compost from foods that were already being produced? This would eliminate a lot of food waste and the runoff that comes off of commercial farms.  Most Americans live at a higher convenience level than a lot of other people in the world. When we want something, we have the ...

The truth about corn and grocery stores

  Our society is not set up for sustainability. Everything is wrapped in plastic and served in single-serving containers, made to be thrown out. This makes it hard for environmentally conscious people to try to cut down their trash production. There is a movement on the rise called the zero-waste movement. This is all about trying to reduce the waste that you create and focusing on reusable items. Some people take this to the extreme, but I don’t see that as practical. It is more important for a larger number of people to cut down their waste production than to have a few people that generate no trash at all.  Here are some tips for cutting down the trash that you create: Buy a set of reusable utensils and bring them with you places Have some reusable bags that you bring around (plastic bags were made just to be thrown out) Buy some reusable produce bags for when you go to the grocery store If you are going to a restaurant, bring a takeout container with you so you don’t ha...

Individuals vs corporations

       The prevailing message sent about sustainability in our society is that individual actions will be enough to solve the climate crisis. We are told to recycle, take shorter showers, and take public transportation. As depressing as it is, individual actions are barely a drop in the pool when it comes to saving water.  Did you know that 80% of water in California goes to agriculture? So how much water do you actually save when you take a shorter shower? If you didn’t know this, you would probably never have guessed that it was true. Elected officials are always stressing the importance of water consumption, but instead of addressing individuals, they need to focus on telling farms.  California is an agricultural powerhouse for the United States, and for the world. Over one-third of vegetables and two-thirds of fruit and nuts for the United States are grown in California. Most agriculture in the state takes place in the San Joachin valley. Why are...

Why should I care about sustainability??

  Hello classmates!!! My name is Naomi Waldron, and welcome to my blog! This blog is going to be focused on sustainability, particularly in San Diego and California in general. I may be adding some things about nature as well :) I am a sustainability major and geography, natural resource, and the environment minor, so hopefully some of the things that I have learned in my classes I will be able to share with you all.  It's obvious that I care about sustainability. I have always loved being outside and in nature, but why is sustainability something that you all should care about? We are all residents of an amazing planet called earth. This is the only home we have known, and the only home we will ever know…. At least for the foreseeable future. So, if nothing else, you should care about sustainability because if humans keep degrading the earth at the rate that we are, we will not have a planet that we can inhabit! Degrading the earth puts our food supply at risk because it les...